Skin Pigment Reduction

Sun damage & age spots

Sun damage &
age spots

Sun damage and age spots can be caused by many different factors including sun exposure and aging. Luckily there’s a solution to these unwanted blemishes! With CPC Aesthetics’ innovative laser treatments, you can be rid of unwanted spots and back to your beauty in no time. Advanced laser technology is used to target your unwanted sun damage and brown spots. The energy delivered causes them to slowly disappear through your body’s natural healing process, revealing clearer, more beautiful-looking skin.

Typically, only a few treatments are needed, however depending on the condition, several treatments may be required to achieve desired results.

Skin Pigment Reduction

Rosacea & Spider Veins

Rosacea &
Spider Veins

Stop concealing your skin’s imperfections and get an enviable glow: laser treatments for rosacea, spider veins, and broken blood vessels are quick, effective, and easily adjusted to fit your individual skin care needs. Reduce the appearance of rosacea and other vascularities to reveal even, smooth skin. Advanced laser technology is used to target the unwanted vessels within your skin. The energy delivered causes them to slowly disappear through your body’s natural healing process revealing clearer, more beautiful-looking skin. Vein treatments use advanced laser technology to target and destroy the blood vessels responsible for veins, causing them to visibly disappear. Since the laser targets the blood vessels within the vein, there is minimal or no damage to the outer layer of skin.

Patients can begin to see results after the first treatment but there is usually a series of 3-6 treatments required for optimal results. Work with your provider to develop a plan that is right for you!

Skin Pigment Reduction

Before & After